
Moral Law

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Key Verse: Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Question: What does the key verse mean to you?


When someone speaks of “the law”, what are they really talking about? There is prevalent in our society today the idea that all of the Old Testament Law has been “done away” and no longer applies to us. Some even go so far as to claim that even the Ten Commandments have been abolished. Are they right? When they refer to the law, just what does that mean? Actually, there are different types of law and when mention is made of the law in the Bible, ofttimes it is referring to some, not all, of those statutes and commandments that are considered to compose the “law”.

There are four basic types of law in the Bible. The earliest type would be the Moral Law, the very mind set of God and in existence for eternity with God. The second type of law is the Sanitary Law or the Clean Food Law, although this type encompasses more than just food. This type of law emerged with Creation, defining those things God considered clean or unclean, including animals, disease and actions that He knew would occur in the future. Thirdly there are the Sacrificial Laws, coming into practice after the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, and later expanded into the Priesthood Law after the Exodus from Egypt. The fourth type of law is the Cultural Law, developing with the growth of Earth’s population and the expansion of man into the world.

The Moral Laws are still very much in effect today (Matthew 5:18). This is the type of law Jesus was talking about when He said that nothing would pass from it. It represents the mind set of God Who does not change (Malachi 3:6). These laws will never pass away, for even in the Kingdom of Heaven, although unlikely to occur, such actions would be wrong. It will always be wrong to murder, steal, lie or covet, or to commit any act whatsoever that violates God’s moral code in any way. To even suggest that the Moral Laws are null and void is to proclaim that the Creator of the universe has changed. It just can’t happen.

The Ten Commandments summarize the Moral Law, but there are other actions covered by this law not directly addressed by them. Let’s look at some examples.

We are bombarded daily with news about murder, rape, robbery and kidnappings. The evening news can be a depressing experience. Every incident reported cites another violation of God’s Moral Law. We were given these laws to live together in a world of peace and serenity but because of the violation of them by those individuals who are disdainful of such “religious trivia”, our world is filled with fear, hurt and loss. Our next lesson will discuss the Sanitary Law.


  1. Can you think of any situation where the violation of a Moral Law would be permissible?
    (Romans 6:15)
  2. What do you think has made the greatest contribution to today’s attitude about honesty, ethics and honor?
    (Romans 1:25;  1 Timothy 6:10)
  3. How do you think the world would be changed if everyone kept just one of the Ten Commandments?
    (Micah 4:4)

Exodus 20:1-18 The delivery of the Ten Commandments.
Deuteronomy 12:1-14 God does not want to be worshiped in the same manner as the heathen worship their gods.
Romans 3:31 Faith does not void the law, it establishes the law.
Titus 2:11-12 To deny ungodliness and live righteously requires the guidelines of the law.
James 2:17-20, 26 To be effective, faith must be demonstrated by works, which is, in effect, obedience to the law.
Revelation 22:12 Salvation is a gift of grace, but your reward in the Kingdom of Heaven is determined according to your work.

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